Tuesday, 16 February 2016

I thank you...

Tuesday 16th February 2016

My good opinion once lost, is lost forever.” Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

I wanted to state that not every post on this blog will look back, it will not take unnecessary pops at my ex husband, I will do justice to the happy times we spent together, but I will not shy away from being honest about my feelings, nor will I ever stop quoting Pride and Prejudice, because for 21 years since I first read the book in English Class it's words have been burnt into my soul.
Today is not a day to think about the past, today I was reminded about the geneoristy and kindness of the human spirit.  Today someone told me that I should be proud of who I am, proud that people care because I'm someone people want to care about.  It brought tears I've fought hard to keep back to my eyes, but they weren't about what has happened, they were about everyone who has said in one way or another "You got this." 

Today I feel stronger, I feel supported and most of all I feel loved.  Love comes in so many shapes and sizes.  A hand on your shoulder and a whispered "you're going to be ok".  A messenger chat with your best friends where words I won't even repeat even with my warning disclaimer make you howl with laughter.  Your boss giving you some time to go and get your head on straight even when the team is thin on the ground.  It's the people who've said "I've been there, and look at me now."  It's the people who've said "I've never been through it, but I know you're strong enough to deal with this".  The people who I may have only had fleeting accquantainces with, who say "If you ever need someone, I'll be there".  

You're all amazing and I thank you from the bottom of my very broken heart.

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